Becoming a Master Salesperson

"No one can become a master salesperson if they compromise false-hood. Even if no one ever catches them red-handed in expressing what they do not believe, their words will fail in the accomplishment of their purpose because a person cannot give their words "flesh" if they do not come from the heart, and if they are not mixed with genuine, unadulterated Enthusiasm."
The Law of Success By Napoleon Hill~ Chapter on Enthusiasm

In order to become a true master salesperson you have to believe what your selling, but more importantly you have to believe in yourself. In order to believe in yourself you have to be true to your self, you cannot live in false-hood and pretend your something your not in order to make a sale. It may work from time to time, and you may find yourself doing well for a while. But when it comes down to it the enduring salesperson is someone who its truthful to himself.

I try and read this paragraph to my self daily. When you learn the Law of Success you will find there are many things in which you will have to read and memorize daily. Pick your favorites, do different ones on different days, With the most important every day. It may seem like a awful burden to read these out loud at first, but when you incorporate these truths into your life the amount of change you will begin to see, will take away all traces of doubt or discouragement.

These truths are the core to success.

The key to success:
I Should - I Can - I Will

You know you should put these truths to use,
You know you can,now